
New Site, New Bituen!

Bituen Volunteers is now an Eco Coop!    We are now transitioning from a non-profit to a Bituen Eco Volunteers Cooperative to allow growth not only for the people we want to help but for our own.  You are all welcome to join and let us build a resilient Philippines! Our site is under construction but we will keep you updated as always thru our social media page Bituen was started in a #ReadingCaravan project in October 2009. It distributed thousands of books to school children with support from ReadPilipinas based in Florida, USA. It continued distributing used but high quality books directly to marginalized children in various parts of the country where request has been made. In December 2013, Bituen Volunteers started teaching youths, teachers, and various community groups # wastegardening, a method of planting using biowastes and empty containers . This was done to address lack of resources, from garden space, to organic ...

Harvesting Seedling from WasteGarden


Learning Green from Tokyo

Tokyo is Japan 's capital, its metropolitan population the highest in the world with about 13.506 million people. It tops the Global Economic Power Index as well as Best Overall Experience in categories: "helpfulness of locals", "nightlife", "shopping", "local public transportation" and "cleanliness of streets". It has 47 administrative divisions. As a very populous city, yet with very efficient transport system and cleanliness, Philippines has much to learn from Tokyo. 1. Discipline. In our 8-day stay, we never saw any traffic violation and never heard any honking except the train signals. People, bikes, and cars stop when traffic lights turn orange to red, regardless of whether or not there are cars, bikes, or people crossing on the go-road/street. We never saw anyone throwing any form of waste, big or small. Instead, we saw people picking up rubbish and putting it inside their pockets.  Cars, bikes, & people wi...

2017 Reading Caravan & Sustainability @ Bituen

2017 proved as another progressive year for the Bituen group as we opened the year with Reading Caravan book distribution at San Isidro, Makati City in January 2 with Karinderia ni Mang Urot once again benefiting about a hundred young learners. The feat is followed by another book distribution at at Magsilay, Pasil, Kalinga Apayao, in January 11.  January 2 Reading Caravan at San Isidro, Makati City. Reading Caravan at Magsilay, Pasil, Kalinga Apayao, January 11. Urban Greening seminar/workshop March 27 @ DENR Social Hall, Quezon City with the Forest Management Bureau; Gulayan sa Paaralan Nationwide Conference in Dumaguete City, August 17; Waste Gardening at Love to Learn,  Old Balara, Quezon City in October 24; and Waste Gardening workshop again  at 3rd National Youth Environmental Summit November 21, at Teachers Camp, Baguio City. In between, the Bituen volunteers continue distributing books to marginalized children they encounter. S...

Join Us as Partners

We are now accepting Organization Partners in our activities! There are 2 ways you can reduce your business taxes in the Philippines substantially. Partner with us either in Reading Caravan or Fruit Tree Planting . Click here ! In both instances, you can join us in the said activities. Under Reading Caravan, you sponsor a school for distribution of quality children's books to inspire the marginalized to read, learn, and aspire to become productive citizens! In Fruit Tree Planting under the Arbor Day and Graduation Legacy for the Environment laws, we may pick a school or public spaces and arrange all details. S chedule a meeting with us . Learn more about lowering your taxes for your Philippine business. Under the Republic Act 8525 or Adopt-a-School Act of 1998 and BIR Revenue Regulations 10-2003 , Bituen is now accepting Partners to join us in our two (2) programs as follows which your equivalent support will be duductible from your gross income (plus 50% additional deduction...

Reading Caravan

More than anything, quality children's books are most helpful and inspiring to marginalized children in third world countries like the Philippines due to its rarity and accessibility. Textbooks in the country seldom has more than 2 colors, of durable quality, or appeal due to its successive and years of use by several children. In Bituen volunteers' outreach experiences, when given food and a pack of toys, children set aside the rest and browse through the pages of the book they received for free because this is a new experience to them: being transported in another world with color and vivid images! All photos taken during the January 2, 2017 Reading Caravan in San Isidro, Makati CIty. Bituen continue accepting book donations for marginalized children. While giving to schools and libraries may also be a good intention, these books are rarely used by marginalized children for fear of soiling these books and being reprimanded later on. Contact us to donate.

Eco Volunteers Needed

On the heels of the success of the initial Cool Green School project, Bituen is inviting volunteers to become trainers for various schools in Philippine cities. Under the Sustainability program, wastes are used in urban gardening and possible livelihood craft projects with the double purpose to clean and green our urban especially in marginalized areas. The training is for free but volunteers will shoulder their tool kit worth P700 and waste materials: 2 medium to large cans 1 large shampoo or similar plastic bottle waste paper and packaging boards. The workshop-training is slated to begin February 25, 2017 and every last Saturday of each month thereon which venue shall be near or around Quezon City Memorial Circle area.  Participants are required to complete all activities during the training to be able to receive a certification, and inclusion in the pool of volunteers. The volunteer trainers will then be deployed to various city schools to train students. Bituen has...